with Red Box the monthly care package celebrating your cycle

This is the monthly visitor to get excited about

Revolutionize your life and celebrate your Goddess within. Each delivery provides a treasure trove of gifts and a moon time guide for grounded that follows each week of your cycle (lunar or Infradian) and aligning to your innate biochemistry.

“I have been looking for this in my life”

Kaydance - @motherinbloom

Red Box

The monthly visitor to get excited about

This is the most unique subscription box service ever. Red Box enables women to connect with their cycles and live a more balanced lifestyle through grounded action. Each delivery is filled with intriguing items like jewelry, makeup, crystals and candles as well as useful products such as self care items, healthy snacks, guides, recipes and journaling prompts to truly get you going and grounded

How it works:

Red Box arrives at your door

Open your Red Box, review your guide

Open the gift bag matching your phase

Follow the prompts on the guide

Repeat for each phase

Accompanying each delivery is a 2 page monthly guide and calendar for visual and practical guidance. This assists you when to take action or to rest. Space is given for you to track your menstrual and Lunar cycle.

For each phase of your infradian or moon cycle, simple  bullet point actions are provide and guide you to open a uniquely curated bag for that phase. Inside contains the tools and gifts necessary to complete your phases list

Get to Know Your Flow

Within your Red Box monthly subscription comes a simple, yet powerful, tool to help guide you through your month. This 2 page guide provides the flow of opening the gifts within your Red Box as well as space to track the moon phases and your Infradian cycle (menstration is just one part of this cycle). Red Box gives you all the resources you need to take the grounded action needed to balance your life, without adding to your work load.

Tracking your menstrual and moon cycle is so important for so many reasons. It is an empowering and transformative experience. By tuning into the natural rhythms of these cycles, we can gain a deeper understanding of our bodies, emotions, energy levels, and truly manifest the life we want to live.

Love yourself all month, every month.

Enjoy the flow mother nature intended. Women are designed to create, evoke, motivate, dream, and love. Not to perpetually hustle everyday. We are not men. This is not an excuse. This is our reality.

Living within in the flow of our Infradian cycle and the lunar cycle brings harmony within and resonates out. These cycles innately effect us. Living in tune to their different phases and  fluctuations simply feels great. Embrace your Red Box, your tool kit to help

The sayings are true

“Love yourself first and everything falls in line”

“If Mamma ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy”

“You cannot pour from an empty cup,
so fill yours up first”

Red Box Monthly Subscription

Purposeful Gifts, Grounded Action, Delivered to Your Door

This is the monthly visitor to get excited about. Revolutionize your life and celebrate your Goddess within. Each delivery provides a treasure trove of gifts and a moon time guide for grounded action following each week of your cycle (lunar or Infradian). Align to your innate biochemistry and love the life you live

Living on Moon Time; The Guide to Your Lunar Love Life

Explore the scientific and intuitive connections between the lunar cycle and the female infraidian cycle. This book offers valuable insights into how the two interact and affect our daily lives and what you can do align the two. Here are practical tips and advice on everything from nutrition to self-care, and a holistic approach to living in sync with the natural rhythms of the infradian and lunar cycles.or service.

The Periodical

Red Revolution’s Periodical offers a simple way to stay connected

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Your Sisterhood is Ready

Own your throne, celebrate your cycle,

Live by the moon, love your womb

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