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Hosting a Moon Circle

Hosting a moon circle can be a magical way to gather with other women and connect with the cycles of the moon. Whether you are new to moon circles or have been hosting them for a while, here are some activities to consider for the new moon and full moon, as well as tips on how to prepare the space and what to provide guests.

Preparing the Space

Before you begin, it’s important to create a safe and sacred space for your guests. Consider the following:

  1. Choose a location: This could be your home, a park, or any other outdoor or indoor space that feels comfortable and safe.

  2. Cleanse the space: Use sage, palo santo, or any other cleansing ritual to clear the energy of the space.

  3. Create an altar: Set up an altar with candles, crystals, and any other items that represent the moon or your intentions for the circle.

  4. Set the mood: Dim the lights, play soft music, and consider providing comfortable cushions or blankets for your guests.

New Moon Activities

The new moon is a time for setting intentions, planting seeds, and starting anew. Here are some activities to consider:

  1. Guided meditation: Start with a guided meditation that focuses on setting intentions for the new moon cycle.

  2. Journaling: Provide journals and pens for guests to reflect on their intentions and write down any ideas or insights that come up.

  3. Tarot or oracle readings: Consider offering tarot or oracle readings to help guests gain clarity and insights into their intentions.

  4. Group discussion: Allow time for guests to share their intentions and discuss any challenges or obstacles they may be facing.

Full Moon Activities

The full moon is a time for releasing what no longer serves us and celebrating our accomplishments. Here are some activities to consider:

  1. Full moon ceremony: Create a ritual that involves releasing what no longer serves you, such as writing down negative thoughts or behaviors and burning them in a fire.

  2. Sound healing: Consider bringing in a sound healer or playing music that promotes relaxation and release.

  3. Group discussion: Allow time for guests to share what they are releasing and any accomplishments or blessings they are celebrating.

  4. Potluck: Encourage guests to bring food or drinks to share as a way of celebrating together.

What to Provide Guests

Here are some things you may want to consider providing for your guests:

  1. Tea and water: Offer guests tea and water to help them stay hydrated and comfortable.

  2. Crystals: Consider providing crystals for guests to use during the circle, such as moonstone or selenite.

  3. Altar items: Encourage guests to bring items to add to the altar, such as photos, flowers, or personal objects.

  4. Candles: Provide candles for guests to light during the circle as a way of setting the mood and connecting with the energy of the moon.

Hosting a moon circle can be a powerful way to connect with other women and honor the cycles of the moon. By following these tips and activities, you can create a safe and sacred space that fosters growth, healing, and magic.

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Own your throne, celebrate your cycle,

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