Own Your Throne
Celebrate Your Cycle
Live by the Moon
Love Your Womb

Feminine Truth, Celebrating Your Sisterhood, We Are Here

To reinstate the knowledge and power inside every woman

To spark living and loving as Mother Nature intended

To establish grounded action by journeying into the woman’s mind, body, and soul in consistant way

Together is better. Connecting in ways once lost. We are now re-emerging

Providing Rhythm and Peace

Our mission is to empower women to live in sync with their bodies and the natural world around them. Our resources are designed to support and enhance your journey of self-discovery, connection, and growth within yourself and in your sisterhood.

Embrace your feminine and enhance your journey of self-discovery and growth


Benefits of Joining the Red Revolution Sisterhood

Our movement is designed to support your journey of self-discovery and personal growth. Everything Red Revolution offers is full of intention and purpose, honoring your wonderful and innate being. Our resources are designed to help you cultivate a deeper connection to your body and our cycles of nature, which have been ignored for too long.

Our community offers a safe and supportive space for you to connect with others on a similar path of self-exploration and personal growth. Red Revolution’s Facebook and Instagram pages our Red Revolution newsletter, The Periodical, are simple ways for continual support.

Our Resources

Discover the power our monthly subscription, Red Box. We have carefully curated a collection of products to help you align with the lunar and menstrual cycle. Nourish your body, mind, and spirit.

Accompanying the Red Box is a monthly Moon Time Guide to help plan your month with ease and intention. This guide helps you track your menstrual cycle, moon phases, and self-care rituals. 

Absorb yourself into our book, Living on Moon Time; The Guide to Your Lunar Love Life. This downloadable book provides insights and guidance on incorporating lunar and menstrual energy into your daily life. Understand simple descriptions of what is happening within the female body as it correspond to the moon throughout your monthly cycle.

“Being a woman is so powerful and connecting with other women is even more powerful"

- Steph H

“I could give this to my niece, I’m the father figure in her life and her womanhood is coming soon”

- Alexander J

“This is perfect for my daughter who is will be starting her period."

- Lindsay S

“Wow, I’m excited. This is amazing and makes so much sense"

- Christin F

“This brings accountability to your self care routine"

- Bryn T

Founding Focus

Red Revolution is a dream come true. We created this space to support women in the ways we needed, when we needed it the most. This is to share what we have learned through our journeys and to give love and support in such a delicate and powerful arena of the woman’s life.

Erica S. Gonzales RN MSN

Red Box Monthly Subscription

This is the monthly visitor to get excited about. Revolutionize your life and celebrate your Goddess within. Each delivery provides a treasure trove of gifts and a moon time guide for grounded action following each week of your cycle (lunar or Infradian). Align to your innate biochemistry and love the life you live.

Living on Moon Time; The Guide to Your Lunar Love Life

Explore the scientific and intuitive connections between the lunar cycle and the female infraidian cycle. This ebook offers valuable insights into how the two interact and affect our daily lives and what you can do align the two. Here are practical tips and advice on everything from nutrition to self-care, and a holistic approach to living in sync with the natural rhythms of the infradian and lunar cycles.

The Periodical

Red Revolution’s Periodical offers a simple way to stay connected

Receive self care tips, product updates and community highlights

Your Sisterhood is Ready

Own your throne, celebrate your cycle,

Live by the moon, love your womb

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